Neha Nautiyal | Macro Coaching

Want to stop feeling frustrated eating healthy & spending time exercising, without seeing the change you're after?

You're a hard-working professional. You're too busy and too tired at the end of the day so you rush through dinner thinking you'll do some self-care after, only to feel guilty and then you end up doomscrolling or binge-watching Netflix. You have every intention of taking care of yourself, but you just don't have the time or energy! And if you have the time and energy, it's just not moving the needle!


Imagine getting ready for an anniversary party trying on the dress from your closet that you haven't touched in years, you know the one, scared it would be too tight, but low and behold, there is enough breathing room now!

Imagine walking in the door after work, being too tired to cook, but being excited to get take-out from your favorite restaurant, knowing you can eat what you love and not undo any progress you've made.

Imagine putting in the effort in the kitchen and in the gym or workout room, stepping on the scale, and feeling validated in all of your hard work.

I've got good news for you:

This is exactly why I created

The Mindful Macros Journey

Inside my signature coaching program:

  1. you will first meet with me to tell me about your current lifestyle and preferences.
  2. I will take what you give me to provide a personalized nutrition plan including macronutrient targets (protein, fat, & carbs).
  3. You will fill out a weekly check-in sheet and
  4. Every time we meet we will review the check-in sheet and chat about doing more of what's working and how to change what you're struggling with.

I will:

  • be your personal cheerleader
  • be your accountability partner
  • provide suggestions on your grocery list
  • give you guidance on what to eat
  • give you guidance on what not to eat
  • push you where you need it
  • be an ear for you to vent
  • hold your hand throughout this process
  • ensure you see the results you want
  • become your friend <3

The thing is, I am only opening a limited number of coaching spots, and these spots will open up to my waitlist first before I open them up to the public.

Once all the spots have been taken, you'll have to wait 3 months before I consider opening more spots, and there is no guarantee there will be availability.

What are clients saying about The Mindful Macros Journey?

"The personal coaching has been a game changer for me. It was a hard process to learn how to count/ track/log. I would have given up if Neha had not been there for support.
Also, giving me tips/ ideas on what to eat and how to get more movement.
She was very flexible with me and my needs, which I appreciated the most. She did not take a one-size-fits-all approach. "
"I would refer Neha to others 100%.
She is earnest and eager to teach. She is a great coach to have on your side. "
"I have learned a LOT in the last few months. Neha's coaching has helped me make nutrition/movement part of my lifestyle. There is no going backwards, only tweaking and adjustments and moving forward. This is not a fad; it's for life and longevity. "

"What if this approach doesn't work for me?"

This is a science-backed approach that has worked for millions of people. This has worked for men and women. It has even worked if you suffer from thyroid issues, have PCOS, are pregnant, are menopausal or beyond. By having a coach in your back pocket, you are ensured success, provided you follow the guidance given to you.

"But don't you have to eat less in order to lose weight?"

The short answer is yes, you need to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight but losing weight is different from losing fat. By eating a diet high in protein, we signal to our bodies to lose fat and not our precious muscle. The thing is, everyone's bodies are different and that means we need varying amount of protein. When you have a nutrition plan that is custom to your body and preferences, you are more likely to feel good while in this lower calorie phase. And that's just skimming the surface of it!

"How will I know what to eat if you don't provide a meal plan?"

If I gave you a meal plan, you would go back to eating what you normally do right after we're done working together, so why not make small swaps to your current routines so you can figure out what you like to eat (and what you don't) so you have the power to make changes if you need to? I will teach you the skills you need to adjust your current preferences and lifestyle so when you are on your own, you will never need another coach again.

"How can I make this sustainable for the long-term and not just a short-term endeavor?"

When we meet for the first time, I will get a better understanding of what your current routines are. We will set goals and I will make sure the goals are attainable for a period of time before adjusting them again. By making small changes, you won't feel overwhelmed with anything drastic. Little by little, you will gain confidence and will be able to look back to where you started and see how much progress you've made!

"Is excess protein bad for your liver?"

Too much of anything is bad! Eating a diet high in protein is different from eating an excess of protein. This is why it is important to eat a diet that is balanced with all the macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) specific to your body and your body's needs. There are many reasons you need a diet high in protein but it is well under the guidance of evidence-based & peer-reviewed scientific journals and articles. This is exactly why you need to be open and honest with yourself, your doctor, and your coach about your health. More the reason you need a coach to see your medical history and then provide a personalized nutrition plan, then following a macro calculator online that doesn't know you at all.

The Mindful Macros Journey coaching program is for you if:

  • you want to have more energy
  • you are hard-working & want to see results from your efforts
  • you want to stop questioning whether you're eating healthy or not
  • you know you're supposed to exercise, but you don't know if the exercise you're doing will help get you fit & toned
  • you want your clothes to stop feeling so tight
  • you want to stop feeling discouraged every time you look in the mirror or step on the scale
  • you are afraid of eating the wrong food worried the scale will go up
  • you have clothes in your closet you have been waiting years to fit back into
  • you are tired of making different meals for your family
  • you're tired of trying yet another diet
  • you know something needs to change but you don't know what

After working with me, you will:

  1. have a custom macro nutrition plan specific to YOU and your body's needs, no matter what your goals are
  2. be SO knowledgeable about food!
  3. see food as fuel & nourishment for your body, instead of labeling food as good or bad
  4. look in the mirror and smile at your progress
  5. feel confident in your skin

I'm a certified macro coach. I started my health journey counting macros 2+ years ago. It wasn't until I hired a macro coach that I finally lost the last 10 lbs, for a total of 30+ lbs & 20+ inches down after having my 2nd baby. I was so inspired by what I learned that I HAD to share my success with all of you.


  • this is NOT another diet, this is a LIFESTYLE
  • you can pick the plan that meets your needs (weekly, biweekly, or monthly sessions)
  • the macro nutrition plan you get is INDIVIDUALIZED to YOU
  • money-back GUARANTEE, if you follow my guidance and still don't see any results

Don't you owe it to your kids, to your partner, to your family to be the best & healthiest version of yourself?


If you are interested to join for the next time I open spots up, sign up for the waitlist below and you will be the first to know about it!

(I can't guarantee when I'll have any openings though!)